Razvoj človeških pljuč je razdeljen na pet stopenj: embrionalno, psevdoglandularno, kanalikularno, sakularno in alveolarno. Pri rasti in razvoju pljuč sodelujejo številni fizikalni, biokemični, cirkadiani in genetski dejavniki. Razvoj nevronskih povezav s pljuči, ki omogočajo ritmično dihanje, še ni razjasnjen.
Before the first breath
The development of the human lung is divided into five stages: embryonic, pseudoglandular, canalicular, saccular, and alveolar. Numerous physical, biochemical, circadian, and genetic factors are involved in the growth and development of the lung. However, the development of neural connections with the lung, which allows for rhythmic breathing, remains to be fully elucidated.